Giúp Mentee đặt mục tiêu SMART
Here are some questions you can ask to help guide your mentee toward setting SMART Goals:
1. Significant/Specific/Simple
What do you want?
Why is that important to you?
What will you be able to do when you achieve that goal?
What steps do you need to take to achieve that goal?
Can you break any of the steps into sub-steps?
2. Measureable
How will you know when you’ve achieved your goal?
How will you know when you’ve reached milestones toward your goal?
How will you feel when you achieve your goal?
3. Attainable/Actionable
How do you think you can achieve that?
Do you have the skills or knowledge necessary to achieve that?
Are there alternative ways you might be able to achieve the same result?
4. Relevant/Realistic
What sacrifices do you anticipate you’ll need to make to achieve that goal?
What might prevent you from achieving your goal?
Are there hurdles on the road to achieving your goal that are out of your direct control?
What skills do you have now that can help you achieve that goal?
What other skills do you need to achieve that goal?
What level of competency will you need with respect to the skills you have or need?
What outside resources might you need to achieve that goal?
How can you access those resources?
5. Time frame
What is your overall time frame for achieving your goal?
What milestones are there along the way to achieving your goal?
Within what time frame do you expect to reach the different milestones?
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