
Lê Đặng Thanh Huyền


Giới thiệu bản thân

I’m Huyen - a sophomore at Deakin University - Bachelor of Business, majoring in Business and Digital Communications and Marketing.

Quá trình học tập

  • Deakin University

    Bachelor of Business

    03/2021 - 11/2023

Hoạt động ngoại khóa

  • R U Okay? Day by Carwatha College P-12

    Student Representative Council

    In response to R U Ok? Day - a national day of action when we remind Australians that every day is the day to ask, “Are you OK?” if someone in is struggling with life's ups and downs, the teachers and students from the Student Representative Council have come together to organise the event R U Ok? Day on a school-wide scale. My duties included gathering important information about events in the meetings and summarising them as concisely as possible and filling out the available Excel files; using Canva and Adobe Lightroom to create engaging posters and brochure with the selected content to promote the event, as well as let people know the date, time, and introduce its meaning; collect and report coin donations, income from activities on the day of the event for teachers to donate to charity.

    08/2019 - 09/2020
  • Multicultural Day by Carwatha College P-12

    Student Representative Council

    Cultural diversity is one of the hallmarks of Carwatha College P-12. So, in mid-August each year, the teachers and students on the Student Representative Council get together and organise the Multicultural Day event, an occasion that gives students from different countries the opportunity to introduced their own culture through performances such as singing, dancing, presentations or telling stories. My duties include keeping on track with assigned tasks, following the schedule, inviting students to participate and reporting to the teacher, preparing the necessary equipment for the day of the event, monitoring the timeline regularly throughout the event.

    07/2019 - 08/2019
  • Work Experience Program by Carwatha College P-12

    Student Teaching Assistant

    Assisting teachers in teaching Prep Students. Duties included organising and reading books for Students, helping Students that in needs with their subjects, and assisting Teachers with upcoming learning tasks.

    11/2018 - 11/2018

Tên giải thưởng

  • Silver Medal in the Internet Olympiads of English (IOE) Exam

    Internet Olympiads of English (IOE) is a competition implemented under the direction of the Ministry of Education and Training (Ministry of Education and Training) and VTC Joint Stock Company for students from grade 3 to 12 nationwide. I would practice 35 rounds of Self-Training until I was familiar with the whole question sets, and this training process has helped me retain the information I had acquired better and respond quickly to exam questions, which helped me achieve a Silver medal.


Kỹ năng & chứng chỉ

VCE Baccalaureate Certificate

An awards given to Australian students who successfully meet the demands of studying a higher-level mathematics and language subjects in the VCE program. In order to be qualified for this certificate, I have completed Unit 3-4 in Further Maths, Maths Method, English as an Additional Language (EAL), and Vietnamese subjects, in which I have complete Further Mathematics and English as an Additional Language (EAL) with a score of 33/40 and 38/40, and also helped me become one of the highest performing students in grade 11.

Year Level's High Achiever (2018-2020)

An award given to student who consistently shows their efforts, perseverance and excellent academic achievement in all subjects in year 10, 11 and 12.

Thứ 2, 11-07-2022

Huyền là một bạn rất chủ động, ngay từ năm 2 em đã có ý thức tìm hiểu về nghề và đi tìm những người mentor cho mình là em đã giỏi hơn chị ngày xưa rất nhiều rồi đó. Mong là những chia sẻ của chị phần nào giúp em rõ hơn về công việc kiểm toán cũng như có cho mình những kiến thức nhất định. Chị mong em sẽ tìm được con đường phù hợp vs bản thân, và cố gắng để gặt hái thành tựu trên con đường em chọn nhé. Chúc em thành công!

Đánh giá từ Mentor

Trần Ngọc Ánh
Operation Manager tại Mentori

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